How to go about claiming compensation for a brain injury


Lives can be dramatically changed as a result of brain or head injuries. The effects can last just a short while, or they can be permanent, impacting the victim and their family members in a number of different ways. Support is sometimes needed from loved ones or from professionals for a short amount of time or for a prolonged period. With these changes to everyday life, financial loss may also occur which can add to stress and difficulties. In these situations, compensation can go someway to putting things right and helping the sufferer.

What kind of brain injuries can you claim for?

Acquired brain injuries are injuries to the brain or head that are the result of an accident and not something you were born with. There are a number of different ways that acquired injuries can occur. These are some of the most common reasons:

. Violent attack or assault by another person
. A trip or slip in a public place
. A fall or mishap in the work place
. Medical negligence or failure to correctly diagnose symptoms
. A road traffic accident

Any of these can result in minor or traumatic head injury. As well as the damage to the skin and bone, there is often some impact to the brain caused by bruising, fluid build-up and constricted blood vessels. Matters can deteriorate or become more complicated as time goes by so adjustments at home or work can be ongoing. Things that begin simply may evolve into complex problems that cause distress, upset and the inability to cope.

How can brain injuries affect day to day life?

The effects of a brain injury can show themselves in a range of ways, some more distressing than others. Sometimes these symptoms last a few weeks, and other times they go on indefinitely. There can be:

. Memory loss
. Change of personality
. Inability to solve problems
. Headaches
. Reduced mobility
. Depressions or mood swings

These symptoms might mean that a person cannot do their job well, they are not able to look after dependents, they cannot be left alone, they need physiotherapy or constant professional care or they need specialised equipment. If an injury to the head was the fault of someone else, these symptoms are very hard to accept and come to terms with. Seeking compensation is understandable and it will help to finance some assistance or time away from work where it is necessary.

How to claim compensation for damage to the brain or head

Brain and head injuries can lead to some of the highest compensation payouts. The professional care needed to support these kinds of injuries is expensive, and the stress caused is high for all involved. The claims need to be treated with care, dignity and sensitivity. A company with a proven history in dealing with this kind of claim is a must.

If you are supporting someone with a brain injury, the thought of starting a claim can be daunting but get in touch and start the process as early as possible so the correct care can be sought sooner rather than later.

What payout can you expect?

A compensation claim should take into consideration the pain and suffering incurred, any financial loss, and any future financial impact on the victim. As there may be time constraints on a claim, it is best to get in contact as soon as possible to have the process explained to you.